I often wonder why in 2023, most patients are still unaware that you can put toxin in the lower face. December 4, 2023
Patient tip: when choosing your injector, you MUST look at their before and after photos. December 4, 2023
What a beautiful case, one that represents the core essence of the work we do every day. December 4, 2023
We used 8 syringes of filler to enhance his overall look while keeping his “natural essence.” May 2, 2022
A wonderful benefit to lip filler is that it helps the upper lip “show” more when you smile (and covers more of the gums if you have a gummy smile). March 19, 2021
??????? ???????? ???????: We use Botox and Dysport about 50% / 50% depending on the patient anatomy, history and goals. December 28, 2020
?????? ????: Hyaluronic acid filler (we only use FDA approved Restylane and Juvederm brands) October 21, 2020
?????? ????: Hyaluronic acid filler (we only use FDA approved Restylane and Juvederm brands) August 21, 2020
A great example of how tiny changes with injectibles to produce an overall fresher look. August 12, 2020
?????? ????: Hyaluronic acid filler (we only use FDA approved Restylane and Juvederm brands). July 13, 2020
As a client for a couple of years Nurse Nicole is the only person I would ever trust to touch my face. November 9, 2020
They are very advising in providing you with the most knowledge of your treatment and how to care for it! June 20, 2020
It’s been one year since The Beauty Clinic reached the Presidential Elite Status, the highest level of achievement in the nation, with Galderma!  January 7, 2022