The most common advice I give patients

The two things I say to pretty much every patient:

“Don’t touch your face”


“Don’t love it or hate it for 2 weeks.”

After injections, I always advise patients to avoid touching their faces. Tox or filler was placed in precise areas, and massaging or manipulating the product can cause undesirable results (the only exception – Sculptra! In that case, I say “massage, massage, massage!”) And.. PLEASE give injectables TWO weeks to settle! We can’t say this enough. Some of you freak out after 2 hours or 2 days or 7 days, and we always tell you to pleaseeeee wait the full 2 weeks. We promise, 99% of issues resolve within two weeks and you end up loving the result!

Of course, call us right away if you’re in extreme pain or if you suspect an infection. We’re always here to answer your questions

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