How to choose a cosmetic injector:

he Beauty Clinic How to choose a cosmetic injector:

? Ask around. When you see someone who looks good for her/his age, ask where they’re getting treated. It’s always better to judge injectable work in real life, not just in photos.

? Look at the provider’s before and after photos. Is there consistency in their work? Do their clients look better overall after treatment? Does this provider’s aesthetic vision align with yours?

? Read their Google, Yelp, and Facebook reviews.

? Make sure they are licensed to inject in the U.S. and use FDA approved products. Unfortunately we hear so many horror stories of unlicensed activity in Miami. To be sure that your injector is properly licensed, you can look them up in the Department of Health Provider Lookup.

? Make sure that they participate with Aspire or Alle, the rewards system from the manufacturers (so you can get discounts.) This has the double benefit of verifying that they are using authentic, US bought products.

? Make sure they are focused on injectibles. Are they injecting every day or just once in a while? Are they looking at your entire face, or are they addressing just one thing? A great injector looks at the entire face and knows how to make tiny tweaks that result in a natural, refreshed look.

? Is their aesthetic is in line with your aesthetic? If your injector looks overinjected, you may end up with the same result. Are they listening to you, spending time educating you, and customizing a treatment that’s specific for you?

If your cosmetic injector checks all these boxes, congrats! You’re found a great one!

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