Q: What filler is best for lips?
A. It depends on the anatomy of your lips and what you are trying to accomplish. We will recommend the best filler for you depending on your goals. Our favorites fillers for lips right now are: Restylane Kysse, traditional Restylane, Restylane Refyne and Defyne, and Juvederm Ultra Plus.
Q: Will my lips look fake?
A. A skilled cosmetic injector will create natural looking, beautifully hydrated and balanced lips. At The Beauty Clinic, we are all about natural looking results. We will only apply up to one syringe per visit, allowing a full 2 weeks for swelling and bruising to subside (if any) before evaluating the lips for more filler. We also recommend different fillers for different patients, depending on the specific look you desire.
Q: Does it hurt?
We take extra measures to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. We numb the skin using a powerful topical anesthesia cream a few minutes before the procedure. We apply the filler very gently using the smallest needles possible. We also use a vibrating tool that you hold on to that distracts you from the injections (patients love it!) For extra sensitive patients, we offer a dental lidocaine block injection at no extra charge.
Q: How long will it last?
A. There are so many factors that impact the longevity of lip filler. Your metabolism, how much filler is placed, and what type of filler is used all affect longevity. On average, one syringe of filler can last anywhere from 6-12 months (sometimes more!) Longevity will also vary throughout your life if you continue to get lip filler (sometimes it will last a long time, sometimes less.)
Q: How much does it cost?
A. A syringe of Restylane brand filler is $575 and a syringe of Juvederm brand filler is $650. We currently have an introductory special price with Nurse Nikki for new patients. All of our pricing is listed in the highlights section at the top of our page – check out “Price List” and “Specials”
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